Raising a little human isn't easy. From well-meaning friends, to experts and baby brands comes a slew of advice and information, some of it misleading and some downright dangerous. ergoPouch work with experts in the field of sleep solutions to offer your family no-nonsense help and support along your sleep journey from birth to five years. If there is a topic that we haven’t covered and you would like some advice, please let us know.
For many parents, the mental health of their children is a clear priority. The impact of these conditions left untreated is huge.
How can we do our best to capitalise on the preschool years to avoid future mental health problems in our children? One way is to foster their self-esteem from birth which forms a protective barrier, reducing the impact of mental illness.
The toddler and preschool developmental periods are a time of huge change for children. The brain undergoes significant growth, and these little people are continuously learning about the world and their place in it. Children of this age group will naturally start gaining independence, which is important to encourage as it allows them to develop a sense of security and confidence. If you’re searching for ways to have your child feeling a bit more independent, try some of these tips…
White noise, most commonly known as soothing or calming sounds, has become increasingly popular for adults looking to improve sleep quality, concentration levels and overall relaxation. White noise has long been associated with it’s use for babies to promote sleep, but incorporating white noise into your everyday adult life has many health benefits, such as aiding in relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well being.
Scientific evidence shows that parents play an important role in their baby and toddlers sleep habits and behaviours. This is good news because it means that parents can help build positive sleep habits for their children.
If there is one thing that I find most challenging as a parent, it is meal times! Even as a nutritionist who loves to cook, I am not exempt from the frustration of trying to nourish little ones.
Children and sleep can be a challenge for many parents, which feels never-ending. Inconsistent sleep is normal for babies and toddlers as they develop.
So naturally, anything we can do to support restorative sleep for our little ones is worth giving a try.
Sleep challenges in children can literally be a nightmare (pardon the pun!) for parents. Handling the endless requests to quench that sudden thirst that seems to emerge just as you’ve left their bedroom each night, or even managing the behaviours in the lead up to bedtime – is exhausting for parents. However, this is a battle worth pursuing. Sleep has a significant impact on a child’s development and behaviour.
This award-winning, best-seller is much more than a sleeping bag. Read our comprehensive guide to the Sleep Suit Bag, and find out how this cleverly designed product can help you tackle the most difficult of sleep issues with your baby, toddler or preschooler.
It’s coming! Can you believe another silly season is fast approaching?!
It can be a little daunting – especially if you’re trying to keep your little ones to their sleep schedules, but don’t worry – we've put together a number of pointers to help navigate your little ones sleep during the silly season, including how to get kids to sleep on Christmas Eve.
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