Raising a little human isn't easy. From well-meaning friends, to experts and baby brands comes a slew of advice and information, some of it misleading and some downright dangerous.
ergoPouch work with experts in the field of sleep solutions to offer your family no-nonsense help and support along your sleep journey from birth to five years. If there is a topic that we haven’t covered and you would like some advice, please let us know.

White Noise Machines for Adults - What are the Benefits?

White noise, most commonly known as soothing or calming sounds, has become increasingly popular for adults looking to improve sleep quality, concentration levels and overall relaxation. White noise has long been associated with it’s use for babies to promote sleep, but incorporating white noise into your everyday adult life has many health benefits, such as aiding in relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well being.

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Soothing an unsettled baby

It doesn’t matter how well a baby sleeps, or how hard we try to create the best sleeping environment; the reality is that babies will inevitably have unsettled times. And some more than others. The first 3 months of life are frequently referred to as the 4th trimester because babies have so much maturing to do. They have the enormous task of organising everything they experience into something that makes some sense, which is very challenging. Read on for tips on how to settle your baby.

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Dr Golly’s 5 tips to prepare a baby for nap time

We sat down with our friend Dr Golly to chat about preparing a baby for nap time. 

Dr Golly (Dr Daniel Golshevsky) is a Melbourne-based paediatrician and father of three. Specialising in unsettled babies and poor sleep, Dr Golly developed this program through his work with thousands of babies over a decade of practice. With a focus on empowering parents and protecting mothers, Dr Golly turns up the volume of that innate parental instinct to maximise parents' understanding of their baby's cues and bring everyone closer to a full night's sleep.

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Swaddling: How to swaddle a baby for safe sleep

Perhaps you're expecting your first mini, you’re adding to your family and need a quick refresher, or your baby is about to have a baby, and you want to relearn to lend a hand – congratulations to all of you! Whatever the reason, we understand how overwhelming it can be whenever a mini is on the way. Our job is to guide you through the process of swaddling and answer all your burning questions around why and how to swaddle baby for safe sleep. As many of us are mothers ourselves, we've been where you are, and we want to ensure you feel supported as you enter into this journey of newborn sleep.

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Navigating Sleep in the Holiday Season

It’s coming! Can you believe another silly season is fast approaching?!

It can be a little daunting – especially if you’re trying to keep your little ones to their sleep schedules, but don’t worry – we've put together a number of pointers to help navigate your little ones sleep during the silly season, including how to get kids to sleep on Christmas Eve.

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